Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Health, Wellness, and Technology... oh, my!

This weeks lesson was great. It gave a lot of wonderful information. I know that for me, exercising is not labeled as 'fun' and I usually get bored (but mostly lazy) when it comes to exercising. This week's blog gave me some ideas on how to make it more interesting. Wii is definitely awesome, but I never considered the games as exercise. They do have a new 'game' out called Wii Fit that I have been wanting, but just like the console, it's impossible to find. I have also been intrigued with the Nike/iPod connection since it came out. Unfortunately, I'm not much of a runner, so I highly doubt I'll put the concept into use.

I haven't yet, but when I get home I'll probably check out the MP3 based workouts and see if any would work for me.

Until next time...

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