Tuesday, November 18, 2008

2.0 Continued...

The Big Brother video is hilarious. Once google started adding street view to their maps I was kind of iffy about it, but essentially it's a good idea, especially for people like me who know their way around by the sites rather than the street signs.

I checked out the book winners of the SEOmoz's 2008 Web 2.0 awards and clicked LULU. I have seen the site before, a friend of mine self-published a book from the site, but I had totally forgotten about LULU. I think it is amazing that you can self-publish your own book and have it available to purchase. Now I need to write something!

I was so excited to see that Threadless.com was chosen as the number one site for retail. I have participated and shopped from that site for years now and it's really starting to get the recognition it deserves. Though I haven't designed a shirt to display on the site, I actively participate in the scoring of other entries. I find it hard not to purchase a shirt from the site at least once a month. Eek!