Saturday, June 23, 2007

How Will I Use My MP3 Player...

I want to play music as well as put audio books on it. It's quite a convenient piece of technology and I'm excited to get it.

I listened to Chuck Klosterman's IV. Hilarious.

Wait... this is technically the last week of Learn 2.0, right? Woot!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Flickr Pictures

I uploaded 2 pictures onto Flickr. One is of our lockers and another is of the 3rd floor workroom.

Saturday, June 16, 2007


Loved Liveplasma. Even though the website didn't recognize some of the bands I chose (I really didn't think it would), I was pleasently surprised to see that it did recognize others. It's always fun to find new artists.

I tried the Springwidgets and Yourminis, but I still don't really understand the point of them. Except for the fact that you can make your own website, well, sort of. It's not even entertaining to play around with them. So, obviously, I didn't sign up for either website.

Only a couple more weeks of Learn 2.0 to go!

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Lesson 8

Flickr is interesting. I wouldn't like to put up personal photos of mine on the internet for everyone to see. I already have a photobucket account too, which is pretty much the same idea. I'm not able to take any pictures right now, but this coming week my dempartment will take some so we can upload them for the lesson.

I tried the prototype page, but I'm not really sure what the point of it is though. It's kind of, well, boring. The doggy is fun though.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Lesson 7

Lesson 7 was fun. It's always nice to find new websites to play around on. I registered my dog on Dogster, but I couldn't upload the picture for some reason. I'll have to fiddle around with it.